Carney complex


Disease Overview

Carney complex is an inherited condition characterized by spotty skin pigmentation, cardiac (heart) myxomas (tumors composed of mucous connective tissue), skin myxomas, endocrine tumors or over-activity, and schwannomas. Some families with this condition have been found to have mutations in the PRKAR1A gene. Carney complex is believed to be inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, which means that one copy of the altered gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder. In most cases, an affected person inherits the mutation from one affected parent.[623][8605]


  • Myxoma-spotty pigmentation-endocrine overactivity syndrome
  • Myxoma - spotty pigmentation - endocrine overactivity
  • Carney syndrome
  • CNC1
  • Carney myxoma-endocrine complex
  • CAR
  • Myxoma, spotty pigmentation, and endocrine overactivity
  • NAME syndrome
  • LAMB syndrome

For more information, visit GARD.

National Organization for Rare Disorders