Cerulean cataract


Disease Overview

Cerulean cataracts are opaque areas that develop in the lens of the eye that often have a bluish or whitish color. They may be present at birth or develop in very early childhood, but may not be diagnosed until adulthood.[3238] They are usually bilateral and progressive.[3239] Infants can be asymptomatic, but may also be visually impaired from birth and develop nystagmus and amblyopia.[3239] In adulthood, the cataracts may progress, making lens removal necessary.[3238] Cerulean cataracts may be caused by mutations in several genes, including the CRYBB2, CRYGD, and MAF genes, and are inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. No treatment is known to prevent cerulean cataracts, but frequent evaluations and cataract surgery are typically required to prevent amblyopia as the opacities progress.[3239]


  • Cataract, congenital, cerulean type 1
  • CCA1
  • Cataract, congenital, blue dot type 1

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National Organization for Rare Disorders