Leukonychia totalis


Disease Overview

Leukonychia totalis is a nail condition characterized by complete whitening of the entire nail plate.[7186] It is usually inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Less commonly, it may be inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, or acquired (not inherited) during a person’s lifetime.[7189] The inherited forms can be caused by mutations in the PLCD1 gene and generally involve the entire plate of all 20 nails.[7190][7186] In some cases, leukonychia totalis has been associated with various other abnormalities or syndromes. Treatment may focus on the underlying cause when it is associated with another condition.[7186]


  • Hereditary white nails
  • Porcelain nails
  • Nail disorder, nonsyndromic congenital, 3
  • NDNC3
  • Total leukonychia

For more information, visit GARD.

National Organization for Rare Disorders