Logopenic progressive aphasia


Disease Overview

Logopenic progressive aphasia (LPA) is a type of dementia characterized by language disturbance, including difficulty making or understanding speech (aphasia). It is a type of primary progressive aphasia (PPA). Affected individuals have slow, hesitant speech due to difficulty retrieving the correct words, names, or numbers. Difficulty with phase and sentence repetition are additionally present. Speech is typically well articulated and grammatically correct with good single-word comprehension. But over time, affected individuals may have trouble understanding long or complex verbal information, due to problems holding onto lengthy information that they hear. Language difficulties associated with LPA are due to shrinking, or atrophy, in the left posterior temporal cortex and inferior parietal lobule. Click here to view an image of the lobes of the brain.[4330][11126][11127]


  • LPA
  • Logopenic primary progressive aphasia
  • Logopenic variant PPA

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National Organization for Rare Disorders