Progestogen hypersensitivity


Disease Overview

Progestogen hypersensitivity causes a skin reaction that typically occurs during a woman’s menstrual cycle. Symptoms usually begin 3-10 days before a woman’s period and go away when her period is over. Skin symptoms may include rash, swelling, itching, hives, and red, flaky patches. More severe symptoms can include open sores, wheezing, and an asthma-like reaction. Progestogen hypersensitivity symptoms stop at the time of menopause. The exact cause of progestogen hypersensitivity is unknown, but many women with this condition have had exposure to external sources of progesterone such as oral contraceptives or drugs used for fertility treatments. Some women develop progestogen hypersensitivity in response to the progesterone naturally produced by the body. Diagnosis is based on the symptoms, clinical exam, and a skin test. Treatment is focused on managing the symptoms and may include medications that block the activity of progesterone or stop the body from making progesterone. Progesterone desensitization and surgery to remove the ovaries may cure the symptoms of progestogen hypersensitivity.[15903][15904][15905][15906][15907]


  • autoimmune progesterone dermatitis
  • APD

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National Organization for Rare Disorders