Touch Trust

Wales Millennium Centre


About Touch Trust

The Touch Trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing together parents of children with similar special needs such as learning and/or physical disabilities. The trust has a particular interest in assisting those caring for children affected by rare and complex conditions. Established in 1968 and consisting of approximately 1,400 members, Touch Trust enables parents to network with others whose children may have the same or similar conditions. The trust also provides information concerning a wide range of support groups for specific disorders, many of which help families to come together for the purpose of mutual support. Many of these groups have grown out of the contacts provided by Touch Trust and are able to offer advice to anyone wishing to set up a new group. Touch Trust is primarily a service for parents. All inquiries are answered personally by the organizer or her assistant and aim to provide encouragement, support, and information. Educational materials include a newsletter entitled “Trust Touch” and a general information sheet.