
Light Up for Rare

NORD photo of downtown Memphis TN.

Help light up landmarks around the country on February 28th! 

Step 1: Submit Your Request

The first step is to identify potential landmarks—buildings, bridges, homes, businesses, stadiums, and other local points of interest—and complete any applications or request forms, as required by the landmark you are asking to light up.

You can download the Light Up Toolkit for information to support your request and download our template letter. 

Step 2: Log Your Monument

Once your landmark has confirmed let NORD know by filling out the form on this page so we can track it in our coverage of the global chain of lights! 

Step 3: Promote Your Monument!

Make your local community aware by sharing pictures on social media. Be sure to tag NORD and use #RareDiseaseDay and #ShowYourStripes so the entire community can see how you have shined a light on rare disease! 

If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].

Light Up for Rare

"*" indicates required fields

You can include information about any events associated with the light up, fees that were incurred, etc.

National Organization for Rare Disorders