Blind Citizens Australia

About Blind Citizens Australia

The Blind Citizens of Australia (BCA) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to serving as the united voice of Australians who are affected by blindness or vision impairment. Established in 1975, BCA currently has approximately 2,500 members across all Australian states and territories. The BCA’s mission is to achieve equity and equality by promoting positive community attitudes and striving for high quality and accessible services that meet the needs of those affected by vision impairment or blindness. The federation has several main objectives including encouraging self-determination for affected individuals; serving as a national assembly for meetings, communication, and interchange among blind individuals from all walks of life; and providing a forum for collective self-expression and discussion. Additional objectives include working for the progressive improvement of public policies in Australia; acting as an advocate for and representing the interests of people who are print handicapped; cooperating with and supporting other organizations for disabled individuals at the local, regional, national, and international levels; and promoting enlightened attitudes among the public at large.