Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Neurofibromatosis Program
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA
About Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Neurofibromatosis Program
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CH0P) 501(c)(3) the oldest hospital in the United States dedicated exclusively to pediatrics, strives to be the world leader in the advancement of healthcare for children by integrating excellent patient care, innovative research and quality professional education into all of its programs. Children’s Hospital is committed to researching and finding cures for chronic and fatal pediatric illnesses. Our physician-researchers draw on the latest available information about the human genome to customize therapies to variations in genetic makeup. Oncologists are working on therapeutic vaccines for children that teach patients’ healthy cells to recognize and fight cancer. Other researchers are investigating prenatal stem-cell transplants to improve treatments for a variety of diseases including muscular dystrophy, leukemia and sickle cell disease. For new patient evaluation: Dr. Elaine Zackai, 215-590-2920, for follow-up services: Dr. Rachel Hachen, 215-590-0497, for questions regarding tumors: Dr. Jean Belasco, 215-590-2848 or 1-800-TRY-CHOP (1-800-879-2467).