Foundation for Thymic Cancer Research
6 Cold Spring Court
Mount Kisco, NY
(973) 714-7300 or 609-214-8616
About Foundation for Thymic Cancer Research
The goals of the Foundation for Thymic Cancer Research include: 1) to collect and share information regarding the treatment, prognosis, and causes of thymic-related cancers and carcinomas, and make this information available at no charge; 2) to educate family physicians and oncologists to the nature of thymic-related cancers to improve diagnosis and treatments; 3) to identify the various modes of treatment and to promote research into other modes; 4) to help promote the development of support systems and a better understanding of the various forms of thymic-related cancers; 5) to collect anecdotal patient histories that may help other patients; 6) to develop a database of physicians, pathologists, and other medical personnel with experience in thymic-related cancers and carcinomas; and 7) to develop products (such as wearing apparel for radiation-sensitive skin) and services to ease the suffering of patients having radiation therapy to the head and neck area due to thymic-related cancers and carcinomas.