836 S. Arlington Heights Rd.
Elk Grove Village, IL


About VOR

The VOR (Voice of the Retarded) is a national, non-profit, voluntary organization that was founded in 1983. The organization provides information, support, and advocacy services to individuals and family members affected by mental retardation and seeks to keep public officials, legislators, and the public informed about issues that affect people with mental retardation. VOR supports alternatives in residential living and rehabilitation systems that serve the individual needs of affected individuals and their families. The organization’s activities include testimony before federal, state, and local governmental officials on issues of importance to people with mental retardation; advocacy on behalf of groups and individuals in residential, community, or home settings; education on issues of concern to those with mental retardation, and cooperation and interaction with other parent organizations that share the same concerns as VOR. The Voice of the Retarded has members in all 50 states including parents, families, providers, professionals, friends, and affiliated groups. VOR’s educational materials include a weekly email update, a video, brochures and a quarterly newsletter.