Atlantis Community, Inc.

201 South Cherokee Street
Denver, CO


About Atlantis Community, Inc.

The Atlantis Community, Inc. (ACI) is an independent living center for disabled adults in Denver, CO. When it was founded in 1975, Atlantis was the second community of its kind – the first being in Berkeley, CA. The main goals of Atlantis are to help disabled adults live independent, full, and successful lives outside of institutions and nursing homes and to work for the equality and the protection of the civil rights of the disabled. The staff of the Atlantis Community specializes in assistance for severely disabled people and has developed a range of services and programs to help serve their members, including an Atlantis-owned 34-unit affordable apartment complex solely for people with disabilities; the Mark D. Ball Learning Center offers classes for independent living skills. Atlantis Community, Inc., although focusing much of its work in Colorado, also offers resources to people throughout the nation, including referral services, assertiveness training, and technical assistance.