Siblings for Significant Change

United Charities Bldg.
New York, NY


About Siblings for Significant Change

Established in 1981, The Siblings for Significant Change (SSC) is a voluntary non-profit organization created by sisters of disabled individuals. The organization was founded on the belief that siblings as well as parents deserved support and guidance. Members of the organization include siblings of individuals with physical, emotional, and/or sensory impairments, cancer, or AIDS. Many members are preparing to assume the role of full-time caregiver to their siblings. Siblings for Significant Change provide advocacy training to siblings of disabled individuals. It offers counseling for siblings in need of support; engages in crisis intervention when required by families; and provides legal assistance to help siblings with matters of disability law and guardianship. In addition, the group promotes legislation that is beneficial to individuals with disabilities and their families; engages in professional education; works to educate the general public through informational multi-media programs; and provides appropriate referrals. The organization also conducts workshops and conferences for siblings; holds regular monthly meetings; conducts informal gatherings for families; and distributes a wide variety of educational and support materials. These include regular newsletters, article reprints, personal stories written by siblings, brochures, and audio-visual aids.