Chromosome Disorder Outreach, Inc.

P.O. Box 724
Boca Raton, FL, USA

(561) 395-4252

2024 Member

About Chromosome Disorder Outreach, Inc.

The Chromosome Disorder Outreach, Inc., is an international, non-profit organization founded in 1992 to provide support, and information to individuals affected by all rare chromosome and gene mutation disorders including deletions, duplications (trisomies), inversions, translocations, rings and the sex chromosome disorders (47XYY, 48 XXXX, 49 XXXXY etc). CDO offers an extensive library of available up-to-date articles to members, an Ask the Doctor program and maintains a detailed database registry. We publish periodic newsletters, provide access to research opportunities and interaction with our medical advisory board. And most importantly we offer our members connections with others who are coping with the same or similar chromosomal or gene mutation diagnosis through our personalized networking programs.