Kidney Cancer Association

9450 SW Gemini Drive #38269
Beaverton, OR


About Kidney Cancer Association

The Kidney Cancer Association is a national, non-profit organization comprised of people who have been affected by kidney cancer, their families and friends, physicians, and researchers. The association is dedicated to improving the quality of care and increasing survival of individuals affected by kidney cancer. Established in 1990, the association works toward three primary goals: to provide information to affected individuals and physicians; to sponsor and conduct research on kidney cancer; and to act as an advocate on a federal level and with insurance companies and employers on behalf of affected individuals and their families. Comprised of more than 15,000 constituents, the organization publishes «Kidney Cancer News,» an electronic newsletter, as well as several informational brochures including «We Have Kidney Cancer,»»Interleukin-2 Therapy: What You Should Know,» and «Kidney Cancer: Emotional vs. Rational.» The association holds support group meetings several times a year in various cities so that individuals who have kidney cancer can learn how others have dealt with their disease. In addition, it conducts a yearly national convention that brings individuals together with leading physicians and researchers in the field of kidney cancer.