National Urea Cycle Disorders Foundation
2024 Member
About National Urea Cycle Disorders Foundation
The National Urea Cycle Disorders Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the identification, treatment and cure of urea cycle disorders. NUCDF is a nationally-recognized resource of information and education for families and healthcare professionals. The organization was formed in 1988 by a handful of parents whose children were affected. The Foundation is operated and supported by the volunteer efforts of families with children suffering from UCDs and is a supportive network of families, friends, and medical professionals. Their vision is a world in which no child or adult will perish from UCD. Their mission is to save and improve the lives of all those affected by urea cycle disorders.
Related Rare Diseases:
- Síndromes de deficiencia de creatina cerebral
- Deficiencia de N-Acetilglutamato Sintetasa
- Hiperornitinemia-Hiperamonemia-Homocitrulinuria (Síndrome HHH)
- Creatine Transporter Deficiency
- Citrullinemia Type 1
- Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency
- Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase 1 Deficiency
- Deficiencia de Arginasa-1
- Aciduria argininosuccínica
- Deficiencia de L-arginina:glicina amidinotransferasa
- Deficiencia de guanidinoacetato metiltransferasa