National Aphasia Association

350 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY


About National Aphasia Association

The National Aphasia Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing public awareness of aphasia and other communication disorders, and aiding persons with aphasia and their families. Aphasia is a neurological condition caused by damage to the left hemisphere of the brain in which communication and/or language skills (speaking, reading, writing, and comprehending others) are impaired. The Association’s activities include sponsoring support groups, promoting advocacy and legislative programs, supporting ongoing medical research, and maintaining an informational web site. Other activities include support of a response center, publication of a biannual newsletter, sponsorship of biannual national gatherings, and production of fact sheets, reading lists and national listings of community-based support groups. The association also provides contact information for a national network of healthcare professionals who volunteer to respond to families in their area about local resources. A Young People’s Network puts families in touch with one another for the purpose of peer support and information exchange.