Sarcoidosis Online Sites (S.O.S.)
About Sarcoidosis Online Sites (S.O.S.)
The Sarcoidosis Online Sites (S.O.S.) is a web site dedicated to educating individuals with sarcoidosis, family members, and friends; helping in the search for treatments and cure for sarcoidosis; providing online networking opportunities for those affected by the disorder; and increasing awareness of sarcoidosis and bringing the disorder to the forefront of the medical, research, and general communities. Sarcoidosis, a rare multisystem disorder of unknown cause, is characterized by the abnormal formation of inflammatory masses or nodules (granulomas) consisting of certain granular white blood cells (modified macrophages or epithelioid cells) in certain organs of the body. The granulomas that are formed are thought to affect the normal structure of and, potentially, the normal functions of the affected organ(s), causing symptoms associated with the particular body system(s) in question. In individuals with sarcoidosis, such granuloma formation most commonly affects the lungs. However, in many cases, other organs may be affected. The range and severity of symptoms associated with sarcoidosis vary greatly, depending upon the specific organ(s) involved and the degree of such involvement. Sarcoidosis Online Sites (S.O.S.) provides descriptions of and dynamic linkage to sarcoidosis related web pages under several categories including What is Sarcoidosis?, diagnostic testing, medication information, hospital resources, organizations, university resources, and chronic pain. The site also provides online networking opportunities through its guest book and produces and maintains the “NSRC Sarcoidosis Community Newsletter,” a monthly online newsletter.