Soft Bones, Inc

141 Hawkins Place#267
Boonton, NJ, USA

(866) 827-9937

2025 Member

About Soft Bones, Inc

Soft Bones, Inc.: The US Hypophosphatasia Foundation is a voluntary, non-profit organization whose mission is to provide information and a community to educate, empower and connect patients living with hypophosphatasia (HPP), a rare bone disease, as well as to raise money for more research with hopes of finding additional treatments or a cure. Money that is raised to benefit Soft Bones, Inc: The US Hypophosphatasia Foundation will be used for: funding research grants , maintaining a website that contains valuable resources for doctors, patients and caregivers, creation of educational materials to promote awareness, patient education meetings, and maintaining the International Hypophosphatasia Registry. HPP is a rare, inherited metabolic bone disease that occurs when the body does not produce enough of an enzyme called alkaline phosphatase. The enzyme has a crucial role in bone mineralization, which in turn is important to the development of healthy bones and teeth. Without adequate bone mineralization, bones can bend easily (“soft” bones) and especially baby teeth can be “lost” at an early age.

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