New York Center for Rare Diseases

Located in:
  • New York

Director(s): John Greally, DMed, PhD, Melissa Wasserstein, MD

Contact information

Genetics Clinic

Serves children and adults
Clinic Doctor: Melissa Wasserstein, MD

(718) 741-2323

ADAM Aerodigestive Program at Montefiore

Serves Children
Clinic Doctor: Michel Nassar, MD

(718) 920-4646

Cardiac Amyloidosis

Serves children and adults
Website in development
Clinic Doctor: James Tauras, MD

(929) 263-3729

Cardiac Sarcoidosis Clinic

Serves children and adults
Website in development
Clinic Doctor: Yogita Rochlani, MD

(718) 290-2248

Center for CardioGenetics

Serves children and adults

(718) 741-2323

Center for Immunogenetics

Serves children and adults

(718) 741-2323

Center for Rett Syndrome

Serves children and adults
Clinic Doctor: Aleksandra Djukic, MD

(718) 920-4378

CERC Children's Evaluation & Rehabilitation Center

Serves Children

(718) 430-8500

Comprehensive Epilepsy Center

Serves children and adults
Clinic Doctors: Solomon L. Moshe, MD & Sheryl Haut, MD

For Adult Epilepsy: (718) 920-4898; For Child Epilepsy: (718) 920-4378

Craniofacial Center

Serves children and adult
Clinic Doctor: Oren Tepper, MD

(718) 405-8337

Hemophilia Treatment Center

Serves children and adults
Clinic Doctors: Henry Billett, MD, Adult Director; Jennifer Davila, MD, Pediatric Director

(718) 741-2351

LINCS (Linking Individual Needs of Children with Services) Complex Care Program

Serves Children
Clinic Doctor: Ronald C. Samuels, MD

(718) 741-2450

Lupus Nephritis Clinic

Serves children and adults
Clinic Doctors: Beatrice Goilav, MD; Dawn M. Wahezi, MD; and Diana H. Lee, MD

(718) 655-1120

Neurocutaneous Clinic

Serves children and adults
Website in development
Clinic Doctor: Susan Duberstein, MD

(718) 920-4378

Neuromuscular Unit of Pediatric Neurology

Serves Children
Clinic Doctor: Leslie Delfiner, MD

(718) 920-4378

Sickle Cell Disease Program

Serves children and adults
Clinic Doctors: Deepa Manwani, MD and Kerry Morrine, MD

(914) 377-8690

Thrombosis Prevention Treatment Program

Serves children and adults
Website in development
Clinic Doctor: Henny Billett, MD

(718) 920-6310

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Clinic

Serves children and adults
Website in development
Clinic Doctor: Nagma Dalvi, MD

(718) 920-4378

Williams Syndrome Clinic

Serves children and adults
Clinic Doctor: Robert Marion

(718) 741-2514

NORD Center of Excellence Badge

Financial Assistance Information:

  • Montefiore Einstein Financial Aid Policy

    718-920-5658 Visit website
  • The Children's Hospital at MontefioreFinancial Aid Program

    718-944-3800 Visit website