Lymphoma Research Foundation

Wall Street Plaza
New York, NY


About Lymphoma Research Foundation

The Lymphoma Research Foundation of America (LRFA) and Cure for Lymphoma Foundation merged to become the Lymphoma Research Foundation. This is a national, voluntary, nonprofit organization dedicated to funding lymphoma research and providing comprehensive educational and support programs to increase awareness and knowledge of lymphoma nationwide. Lymphoma refers to cancer of the lymphatic system, which is a network of glands and vessels that circulate a thin, watery fluid known as lymph throughout the body. Lymphoma is classified into two major categories that are distinguished by cell type: Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Both may be characterized by similar symptoms including night sweats, painless swelling of lymph nodes, fever, fatigue, itching, and weight loss. The foundation’s primary mission is to fund lymphoma research at universities and cancer centers across the nation through annual research grants and fellowship awards. In addition, the LRFA provides a one-on-one “phone buddy support program” that matches affected individuals by cell type, stage and grade, or treatment plan; offers a lymphoma helpline that directs affected individuals and family members to cancer resources and clinical trial information; and conducts free support groups.