Comer Children’s Hospital – University of Chicago (Neurofibromatosis Clinic)
Pediatric Neurology
Chicago, IL
About Comer Children’s Hospital – University of Chicago (Neurofibromatosis Clinic)
The Comer Children’s Hospital – University of Chicago (Neurofibromatosis Clinic) is a non-profit organization dedicated to investigating neurofibromatosis types I (NF 1) and II (NF 2) and to providing comprehensive care to children and adults affected by these disorders. NF1 is a rare inherited disorder characterized by the development of multiple benign tumors on the covering of nerve fibers and the appearance of brown spots and freckles on the skin. NF2 is a rare inherited disorder characterized by the development of benign tumors on both auditory nerves and in other areas of the body. Established in 1989, the University of Chicago Neurofibromatosis Program currently includes over 1200 individuals with NF 1 and 2. The program also offers genetic counseling, provides patient advocacy services, and engages in patient and professional education.