Gorlin Syndrome Group

11 Blackberry Way


About Gorlin Syndrome Group

The Gorlin Syndrome Group is a rare-disorder organization located in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1992, it has three objectives. The first is to relieve sickness, and to protect and preserve the health of people affected by Gorlin syndrome, a hereditary condition that can affect various organs. Individuals with this syndrome usually have the three main characteristics, which are skin cancers, cysts of the jaw, and pits on the palms and soles of the feet. In addition, other less common complaints may be linked to this syndrome. The second goal of the Gorlin Syndrome Group is to promote the advancement of education of the medical community and the general public. The third is to promote research into the causes, effects, treatments, and management of Gorlin syndrome, and to disseminate the results. The Gorlin Syndrome Group offers patient networking, and support groups among its services.