Montana Advocacy Program
1022 Chestnut Street
Helena, MT
About Montana Advocacy Program
The Montana Advocacy Program (MAP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and advocating for the human and legal rights of Montanans with mental and physical disabilities while advancing dignity, equality, and self-determination. MAP administers five protection and advocacy programs, all of which are established under federal law. The “Assistive Technology (AT)” program provides assistance to individuals with disabilities in obtaining AT devices or services; in addition, the AT program provides information, referral, negotiation, mediation, and legal services as well as training for individuals and groups in self-advocacy skills. MAP’s “Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI)” program advocates for the statutory and constitutional rights of individuals diagnosed with a mental illness; in addition, the PAIMI program investigates reports of abuse and neglect of individuals with mental illness, monitors public and private psychiatric hospitals and facilities in Montana, and provides information and referral services. The “Client and Assistance Program (CAP)” identifies, explains, and resolves problems encountered with the state rehabilitation program. CAP also provides information and referral as well as advice concerning rights and responsibilities under the Rehab act. The “Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with a Developmental Disability (PADD)” program helps affected Montanans to exercise their full rights as citizens; in addition, the PADD program provides information and referral services, representation by professional advocates, consultation and legal representation, and training and publications concerning the rights of individuals with developmental disabilities. The “Protection and Advocacy for Individual Rights (PAIR)” program emphasizes the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) employment and access issues. The PAIR program provides information and referral services as well as direct legal representation and technical assistance in the form of mediation, negotiation, and other information methods of dispute resolution. The Montana Advocacy Program also offers an informational brochure series and has a web site on the Internet.