Oley Foundation
Albany Medical Center,
99 Delaware Avenue
Delmar, NY, USA
(518) 262-5079
About Oley Foundation
The Oley Foundation is a national, non-profit organization that provides information, peer support, networking opportunities and more for individuals who depend on home intravenous (parenteral) and/or tube-fed (enteral) nutrition, their families, professionals, and others. All programs are free of charge. Individuals depend on nutrition support when they cannot sustain themselves by eating because of a digestive disease (such as Crohn’s disease, gastroparesis, short bowel syndrome, etc.) and/or disruptions to the digestive system (such as the inability to swallow). The foundation facilitates a national network of volunteers who provide peer support and outreach at the local level. Comprised of individuals who are themselves users of nutrition support and their family members, the network offers services ranging from telephone support and hospital visitation to lectures and self-help get-togethers. The Oley Foundation also sponsors conferences that bring together home nutrition users with experts in the field. Educational materials produced by the Oley Foundation include a bi-monthly newsletter,
brochures, videos, webinars, and information about travel, swimming, and other topics.
*Patients wishing to use the Oley Foundation’s equipment supply exchange should call (518) 262-5079*