Ontario Association for Families of Children with Communication Disorders

c/o Alison Morse


About Ontario Association for Families of Children with Communication Disorders

The Ontario Association for Families of Children with Communication Disorders (OAFCCD) is a voluntary self-help organization in Canada that was founded by parents and professionals dedicated to increasing the understanding of communication disorders among parents, program planners, administrators, and the general public. Communication disorders are conditions in which affected individuals have an inability to understand or use speech or language to relate to others in society. Such disorders may be characterized by language, articulation, voice, and/or stuttering abnormalities. Since the OAFCCD was founded in 1994, it has grown to approximately 750 members and 30 chapters. The Association is committed to providing information and support to families of children with communication disorders; assisting families in helping their children access speech and language services; increasing public awareness about the needs of children with such disorders; and promoting awareness of the need for early identification and intervention. In addition, the OAFCCD provides affected families with networking opportunities, conducts local workshops and meetings, sponsors an annual Provincial Conference, and has a web site on the Internet. The Association’s educational materials include brochures and a regular newsletter.