Banner on the Moon Blog.

Join NORD to Celebrate Rare Disease Day

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In celebration of Rare Disease Day, NORD is excited to host a special event for the rare disease community that includes a screening of the new documentary, “Banner on the Moon,” about Cindy Abbott and narrated by Valerie Harper.

Join us in D.C. for a reception and to see this inspiring story about love and determination.  Space is limited – RSVP to reserve your tickets today!

Thursday, February 26, 2015 | 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
National Press Club | 529 14th Street, NW, 13th Floor |Washington, D.C. 20045

*This is a free event and space is limited. Shuttle service will be provided. Lunch and movie snacks will be served. Additional details provided on registration page.*

About the documentary

After being diagnosed with a rare disease, Cindy Abbott challenges herself to become the first woman to summit Mount Everest and complete the 1,000-mile Alaskan Iditarod.  As part of a quest to raise rare disease awareness, she documents her journey and carries a special banner along the way.  The result is a story of tenacity and hope.

“Banner on the Moon” follows Cindy from the beginning, as she and her family seek the cause for her many alarming and debilitating symptoms, to her diagnosis at the age of 48, after 14 excruciating years of doctors and tests.  After being told she has a life-threatening illness called Wegener’s granulomatosis, she is determined to continue living life to the fullest and sets out on a remarkable journey, challenging herself to overcome one difficult feat after another.

An emotional and inspiring feature-length documentary film narrated by Golden Globe® & 4-time Emmy® Award Winner Valerie Harper.

This special preview of Banner on the Moon is sponsored by the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)® for its partners in the rare disease community in celebration of Rare Disease Day 2015.  Since 1983, NORD has been improving the lives of all people affected by rare diseases and those seeking to help them with programs of education, advocacy, research and patient/family services. Join us online at and on Twitter @rarediseases and @RareDayUS.