NORD Debuts Rare Disease Day 2020 Video

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This year, NORD has developed a brief video for Rare Disease Day featuring rare patients, caregivers and supporters sharing their thoughts on the importance of the day and relaying the rallying cry, “Show Your Stripes!”

Show Your Stripes takes its cue from the zebra, mascot of the rare disease community, which is known for its distinctive stripes. Showing your stripes means embracing one’s uniqueness and expressing support for over 300 million people living with rare diseases worldwide, including more than 25 million Americans.

For Rare Disease Day 2020, NORD is asking the world at large to show its stripes in support of the rare disease community leading up to the big day, which will be observed this year on Saturday, February 29, leap day –  the rarest day of all. 

Please share the video with your social media networks using the hashtags #ShowYourStripes and #RareDiseaseDay, and don’t forget to wear your stripes this Saturday! Together we are strong.

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