Alzheimer’s Society (UK)
About Alzheimer’s Society (UK)
The Alzheimer’s Society (AS) is a voluntary organization in the United Kingdom dedicated to providing information and support to individuals caring for those with Alzheimer’s disease; ensuring quality day and home care for affected individuals; and funding medical and scientific research and campaigns for improved health and social services. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological disease characterized by progressive deterioration of cognitive processes and memory (dementia), resulting in confusion, disorientation, personality disintegration, memory failure, speech difficulties, restlessness, agitation, and other symptoms and findings. The Alzheimer’s Disease Society, which includes 22,000 members and approximately 300 branches and support groups, brings together caregivers, family members, health and social care professionals, researchers and scientists, and policy makers through shared concern for people with dementia and those who care for them. The society is committed to providing comprehensive, current information on all forms of dementia, legal and financial matters, social and health services, and benefits; offering a network of branches, caregiver groups, caregiver contacts, befriending projects, and telephone help lines; providing quality day care and home care through its Care Consortium of local branches; and supporting affected families in financial need.