Facial Pain Association
7778 McGinnis Ferry Road #256
Suwanee, GA, USA

About Facial Pain Association
The Facial Pain Association (FPA), formerly known as the Trigeminal Neuralgia Association (TNA), is a registered non-profit, 501(c)(3) volunteer organization, founded in 1990 by a team of people who were profoundly grateful for recovery from years of disabling facial pain.
The FPA is volunteer led and community focused.
The FPA is the largest patient organization supporting all people affected by neuropathic facial pain, leading the world in resources for information and healthcare guidance. Through programs focused on education, personal support, and advocacy efforts, the FPA supports patients, their loved ones and caregivers, and healthcare professionals who diagnose and treat people affected by facial pain.
Guiding the FPA is a volunteer Board of Directors and a Medical Advisory Board which is composed of experts in neurosurgery, neuroscience, pain management, mental health, and dentistry.