Request for Proposal: NORD’s 2021 Annual Report

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Request for Proposal (RFP)
Copy and design for NORD’s 2021 Annual Report


The National Organization for Rare Disorders® (NORD), a 501(c)(3) organization, is a patient advocacy organization dedicated to individuals with rare diseases and the organizations that serve them. NORD, along with its 300+ patient organization members, is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and patient services.

NORD produces an Annual Report to highlight the organization’s impact of the past year, continued status as a leader in the rare disease field, new resources and innovations, and key stories of patients and member organizations. The Annual Report is shared directly with NORD’s funders and Board of Directors and presented as a digital document on NORD’s website. For previous reports, visit NORD’s financials page.

NORD is seeking a vendor to write copy and design NORD’s 2021 Annual Report.


This project includes two separate but related scopes of work, and vendors are invited to submit proposals for one or both scopes of work, or to collaborate with another vendor to submit in partnership.

Scope of work one: Text of the Annual Report

  • Recommend and build out an outline and table of contents for suggested text layout of report.
  • Utilize the data and accomplishments provided by NORD to write copy for the report, including the opening letter from the CEO, introductions and transitions for each section, and a further build out of any key projects, programs and/or stories.
  • Provide editable text file of report to NORD before Annual Report design production.
  • Story and copy for a one-pager summarizing the key impact of NORD for 2021

Scope of work two: Design of the Annual Report

  • Artwork, design and production of the report, including infographics and visual representation of key NORD statistics and impact metrics, inclusion of photography and logos from NORD events and activities, and further visual representation of drafted text.
  • Provide editable files to NORD after completion of the report.
  • Design of a one-pager summarizing the key impact of NORD for 2021

Estimated budget: $5,000

NORD will provide high level editorial themes, a detailed outline of key impact numbers and data, photos, and logo files for inclusion. The selected vendor will work in consultation with NORD’s communications and marketing team to ensure that the Annual Report fits with NORD’s brand guidelines.


  1. Describe the qualifications, experience, and capabilities of the vendor in providing the type of services being requested.
  2. Contain detailed cost in US Dollar, with charges clearly identified and requested payment terms and conditions.
  3. Indicate whether the proposal is for scope of work one, scope of work two, or both.
  4. Include a contact name, email address, and telephone number to facilitate communication between NORD and the submitting organization.
  5. A brief outline of the vendor organization and its services offered.

If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity, please submit a proposal by Friday,
February 25
to [email protected].

The target release date of the Annual Report is Friday, April 15.

If you have questions or would like to discuss before submitting a proposal, contact Rohan Narayanan, Associate Director, Communications & PR, NORD at [email protected].