George Washington University HEATH Resource Center

2134 G Street,
Washington, DC


About George Washington University HEATH Resource Center

The HEATH Resource Center of The George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development is the National Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities. Support from the U.S. Department of Education enables the clearinghouse to serve as an information exchange about educational support services, procedures, adaptations and opportunities at American campuses, vocational-technical schools and other postsecondary training institutions and centers. The clearinghouse gathers and disseminates information in the form of resource papers; fact sheets, directories, newsletters and web site material to help people with disabilities reach their full potential through postsecondary education and training. On October 1, 2001, HEATH was acquired by the George Washington University and continues to foster collaboration among a network of professionals in the arena of disability issues.