LAL-D Aware

About LAL-D Aware
LAL Solace is a non-profit, voluntary organization whose mission is to provide support for patients, families, and healthcare providers of early and late onset lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) deficiency. LAL Solace brings patients and their families together to share experiences, knowledge and compassion. LAL deficiency (commonly known as Wolman disease or cholesteryl ester storage disease) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by complete absence of an enzyme known as lysosomal acid lipase (LIPA or LAL). This enzyme is required to breakdown (metabolize) certain fats (lipids) in the body. Without the LIPA enzyme, certain fats may abnormally accumulate in the tissues and organs of the body causing a variety of symptoms, including bloating or swelling of the stomach, vomiting, and significant enlargement of the liver or spleen. Life-threatening complications often develop during early childhood.1