• Disease Overview
  • Synonyms
  • Signs & Symptoms
  • Causes
  • Affected Populations
  • Disorders with Similar Symptoms
  • Diagnosis
  • Standard Therapies
  • Clinical Trials and Studies
  • References
  • Programs & Resources
  • Complete Report
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Dup15q Syndrome


Last updated: 9/17/2024
Years published: 2018, 2024


NORD gratefully acknowledges Gioconda Alyea, MD (FMG), MS, National Organization for Rare Disorders and Brenda M. Finucane, MS, LGC, Laina Lusk, BS, Dimitrios Arkilo, MD, Stormy Chamberlain, PhD, Orrin Devinsky, MD, Scott Dindot, PhD, Shafali Spurling Jeste, MD, Janine M. LaSalle, PhD, Lawrence T. Reiter, PhD, N. Carolyn Schanen, MD, PhD, Sarah J. Spence, MD, PhD, Ronald L. Thibert, DO, MSPH, Guy Calvert, DPhil, Kadi Luchsinger, BS, PT, Edwin H. Cook, MD, and Vanessa Vogelโ€“Farley, Executive Director, Dup15q Alliance, for assistance in the preparation of this report.

Disease Overview


Chromosome 15q11.2-13.1 duplication syndrome (dup15q syndrome) is a rare genetic disorder which results from duplications of a portion of the 15 chromosome.  The portion involves a small region within the long arm (q), 15q11.2-13.1. These duplications most commonly occur in one of two forms. These include an extra isodicentric 15 chromosome, abbreviated idic(15), or an interstitial duplication 15 abbreviated int dup(15). This region is also known as โ€œPrader-Willi/Angelman critical region (PWACR) because it is involved in these syndromes, Prader Willi and Angelman syndrome.

Dup15q syndrome is characterized by low muscle tone (hypotonia) and gross and fine motor delays, variable intellectual disability (ID), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and epilepsy including infantile spasms. These signs and symptoms may differ significantly between affected people, and it is influenced by whether the duplication is inherited from an individualโ€™s mother or father (parent-of-origin) and by the number of copies of the PWACR.

People with a maternally-derived idic(15) and those with interstitial triplications are typically more severely affected than those with an int dup(15). However, the features (phenotype) vary even among individuals within molecular groupings who have similar duplications based on breakpoints. Some phenotypic features, such as ASD, are more consistently observed in people with a maternal idic(15) or with a large (>5-Mb) interstitial duplications that extend beyond the PWACR. Idic(15) chromosomes reported to date are almost exclusively maternal in origin so the phenotype of a paternally derived idic(15) is unknown. Individuals with paternally derived int dup(15) typically do not manifest all the signs and symptoms of  the dup15q syndrome (see below).


This disorder was first characterized in the late 1990โ€™s when maternally inherited supernumerary markers involving inverted duplications of PWS/AS region were linked to autism, ID and subtle but not yet recognizable clinical phenotype.

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  • 15q11.2-q13.1 duplication syndrome
  • dup15q syndrome
  • inverted duplication 15 (inv dup15)
  • partial trisomy 15
  • isodicentric chromosome 15 syndrome [Idic(15)]
  • interstitial duplication chromosome 15 [Int dup(15)]
  • supernumerary marker chromosome 15 (SMC15)
  • partial tetrasomy 15q
  • interstitial triplication 15 [Int trp(15)]
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Signs & Symptoms

The signs and symptoms and the severity of can vary greatly among affected people, even if they have similar chromosomes.  However, there are certain features that are common among most people with this condition.

  • Hypotonia (low muscle tone), common in newborns and infants and can lead to feeding difficulties and delay in gross and fine motor development
    • Most children begin walking independently between 2-3 years, though some with interstitial duplication may walk earlier
  • Delayed motor skills, where many children develop a wide-based or ataxic (unsteady) gait and have delays in both fine and gross motor skills which can affect daily living activities
    • Nearly all children experience global developmental delay early in childhood
    • After age five, intellectual disability can be more clearly diagnosed, often ranging from moderate to severe
  • Speech and language delays, ranging from moderate to severe
    • Some children may repeat words or phrases (echolalia), reverse pronouns, or use repetitive speech patterns and others may have very limited or no functional speech
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in most patients
    • Social interaction challenges often increase from early to late childhood
    • Children with this syndrome present with unique behaviors compared to children with nonsyndromic ASD, such as maintaining a responsive social smile and using facial expressions, which may guide behavioral interventions
  • Epilepsy
    • Over half of people epilepsy, often with multiple seizure types (e.g., infantile spasms, myoclonic, tonic-clonic, absence, focal seizures)
    • Seizures usually begin between ages 6 months and 9 years
    • About 40% of individuals with seizures initially present with infantile spasms, and 90% of these individuals go on to develop other types of seizures
    • Infantile spasms in dup15q often progress to Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or other complex seizure patterns that are difficult to control
    • Uncontrolled seizures can lead to developmental regression and physical issues such as frequent falls
    • Intractable epilepsy can affect cognitive and adaptive function
  • Distinctive facial features that may include:
    • Flattened nasal bridge with a short, upturned nose
    • Long philtrum (the groove between the nose and upper lip)
    • Anteverted (forward-tilted) nostrils
    • Downslanting eyes
    • Small jaw (micrognathia)
    • Low-set ears, flat back of the head, low forehead
    • High-arched palate and full lips
    • These features are often missed in babies and younger children (infancy)
  • Psychiatric concerns that can include psychosis
    • Psychosis is not commonly recognized in individuals with dup15q, possibly due to their lower cognitive abilities and limited verbal skills
      • In some patients, mood-related psychosis may be misdiagnosed as schizophrenia, especially given that so many people affected with the syndrome has ASD
    • Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP):
      • SUDEP occurs in about 9% of the people with epilepsy in this syndrome, and it often occurs during sleep in teenagers or young adults
      • The cause of the SUDEP is not known
      • SUDEP typically follows a tonic-clonic seizure and involves a shutdown of brain function and heart/lung failure.

Other problems associated with dup15q syndrome include:

  • Decreased ability to feel pain
  • Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine (scoliosis)
  • Recurrent respiratory infections in childhood
  • A skin condition called eczema
  • Early (precocious) puberty and, menses irregularities in females
  • Minor genital abnormalities in males such as undescended testes (cryptorchidism)
  • Excessive eating
  • Excessive weight gain
  • Eye problems
  • Hearing problems
  • Sleep problems
  • Heart problems
  • Abnormal laboratory findings such as increased levels of a substance known as serotonin, a chemical that carries messages between nerve cells in the brain and throughout the body, associated to many body functions such as mood, sleep and other
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Dup15q syndrome is a genetic condition caused by having at least one extra copy of a specific region of chromosome 15 called 15q11.2-q13.1, which plays a critical role in development. The condition only occurs when this extra copy is inherited from the motherโ€™s side (maternal copy) due to a phenomenon called genomic imprinting, where certain genes are only active on the maternal chromosome. Normally, we inherit one copy of chromosome 15 from each parent, but in individuals with dup15q syndrome, there are additional copies of the genes in this region, disrupting normal development and leading to the features of the disorder.

There are two main ways that these extra copies can occur:

  • Isodicentric chromosome 15:
    • This is the most common cause, accounting for about 80% of cases.
    • It involves a special chromosome called an isodicentric chromosome, which contains mirror-image segments of genetic material and has two centromeres (the constriction point in a chromosome) instead of one.
    • People with this type have the usual two copies of chromosome 15, but they also have two extra duplicated copies of the 15q11.2-q13.1 region, leading to four copies of that segment. This is referred to as tetrasomy for 15q11.2-q13.1.
  • Interstitial duplication:
    • This occurs in about 20% of cases.
    • In this case, there is one extra copy of the 15q11.2-q13.1 region on one of the two chromosome 15s, leading to a total of three copies of that segment, which is called trisomy for 15q11.2-q13.1.

The extra genetic material from either an isodicentric chromosome or an interstitial duplication leads to disrupted development. However, people with interstitial duplications tend to have milder symptoms than those with isodicentric chromosome 15, as they have fewer extra copies of the genetic material.

Duplications in this region can vary in size, sometimes being up to 12 megabases (Mb) long. For the condition to be considered dup15q syndrome, the duplication must contain the Prader-Willi/Angelman critical region (PWACR), which includes genes important for development. A megabase (abbreviated Mb) is a unit of measurement used to help designate the length of DNA. One megabase is equal to 1 million bases

Although the region of chromosome 15 involved in dup15q syndrome contains many genes, including ATP10A, CYFIP1, MAGEL2, NECDIN, SNRPN, UBE3A, and several GABAA receptor subunits, there is no single gene identified that, when duplicated, causes the syndrome. Instead, it seems to be the result of multiple genes being duplicated together, contributing to the various features of the disorder.

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Affected populations

The prevalence of dup15q in the general population is unknown but may be as high as 1:5000. Dup15q is one of the most common chromosome (cytogenetic) anomalies in persons with ASD. In patients referred for clinical chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) testing due to developmental concerns (developmental delay, intellectual disability, or ASD) or multiple congenital anomalies, the prevalence of dup15q is approximately 1:508. In ASD cohorts, the prevalence of dup15q is 1:253-1:522. In intellectual disability cohorts, the prevalence of dup15q is 1:584.

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The diagnosis of dup15q syndrome is confirmed by detecting at least one extra maternally derived copy of the PWACR (Prader-Willi/Angelman critical region), which is a segment about 5 megabases (Mb) long within chromosome 15q11.2-q13.1.

Dup15q syndrome should be suspected in individuals with the following symptoms:

  • Moderate to severe hypotonia (low muscle tone) in infancy, along with motor delays
  • Developmental delays, which may include intellectual disability (ID) and speech and language delays.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Seizures, particularly infantile spasms

Other frequently observed features in individuals with dup15q include:

  • Mild-to-moderate facial differences, such as:
    • Upturned nose
    • Epicanthal folds (skin folds at the inner corners of the eyes)
    • Downslanting palpebral fissures
  • Behavioral difficulties, including:
    • Hyperactivity
    • Anxiety
    • Emotional instability (emotional lability)

Testing methods used to confirm dup15q syndrome include:

  • Chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA), a special technique that examines chromosomes for extra or missing pieces or targeted duplication analysis, which can determine the copy number of specific genetic sequences.

Interstitial 15q11.2-q13.1 duplications are typically not detectable through routine analysis of G-banded chromosomes or conventional cytogenetic banding techniques. However, larger duplications, such as idic(15) or interstitial duplications larger than 5 Mb, that extend beyond the PWACR can be identified through cytogenetic analysis, a laboratory process that examines cells in a sample to identify changes in chromosomes such as missing, broken, rearranged, or extra chromosomes

Mosaicism, where an individual has two or more populations of cells with different genotypes, has been reported in cases of idic(15). This may affect both the severity of symptoms and the accuracy of testing.

The parent-of-origin of the duplication can be identified through:

  • Genotyping or methylation analysis, such as PCR-based methylation analysis, a laboratory technique that studies DNA methylation patterns, a mechanism that regulates gene activity, in specific regions of the genome. It uses the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify DNA segments and then analyze them for methylation looking for genes or for specific sequences.
  • Identifying a 15q11.2-q13.1 interstitial duplication in a sample from one of the parents.

Prenatal testing (diagnosis before the birth of a child) using CMA can detect 15q interstitial duplications, but it is important to note that prenatal results cannot reliably predict the severity of symptoms in the child. Families should always be referred to genetic counseling for appropriate guidance.

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Standard Therapies

To understand the extent of dup15q syndrome and the individualโ€™s needs, the doctors should consider doing the following steps:

  • Detailed physical examination reviewing all the systems of the body
  • Assessing for feeding difficulties related to hypotonia (low muscle tone)
  • Perform neurological examinations, including:
    • Checking for seizure activity
    • Conducting a baseline EEG (electroencephalogram)
  • Consult with a clinical geneticist and/or a genetic counselor
  • Ongoing specialist care is often needed for individuals with dup15q syndrome

There is no specific treatment for dup15q syndrome.  Affected people should be seen by several specialists that should work together as a team which should evaluate infants for motor and speech development and provide appropriate referrals to educational programs later. Supportive care may include:

  • Occupational and physical therapy to improve motor skills
  • Alternative and augmentative communication methods
  • Behavioral therapy, such as applied behavioral analysis (ABA)
  • Psychotropic medications to manage behavioral issues
  • Seizure management using standard treatments

Itโ€™s important to note that sudden behavioral changes may indicate physical problems like constipation or pain, and people should be carefully examined if there is a rapid change in behavior.

Ongoing monitoring is recommended, including:

  • Neurodevelopmental assessments to track progress
  • Regular monitoring for signs of seizures or changes in seizure types

It is important to avoid triggers that can cause seizures, such as sleep deprivation and stress and to ensure that the affected people use the prescribed medication. The best possible seizure control is needed to avoid complications such as sudden death and neurological regression.

Genetic testing for siblings of a person with dup15q syndrome (who may be at risk for inheriting a maternal interstitial duplication) is recommended. Early diagnosis allows for timely multidisciplinary evaluation and support.

There is ongoing research aiming to find specific and effective treatments.

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Clinical Trials and Studies

Information on current clinical trials is posted on the Internet at www.clinicaltrials.gov . All studies receiving U.S. government funding, and some supported by private industry, are posted on this government web site.

For information about clinical trials being conducted at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD, contact the NIH Patient Recruitment Office:

Toll-free: (800) 411-1222
TTY: (866) 411-1010
Email: [email protected]

Some current clinical trials also are posted on the following page on the NORD website:

For information about clinical trials sponsored by private sources, in the main, contact:

For more information about clinical trials conducted in Europe, contact:

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