HELLP syndrome


Disease Overview

HELLP syndrome is a life-threatening condition that can potentially complicate pregnancy.[11434] It is named for 3 features of the condition: Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzyme levels, and Low Platelet levels. It typically occurs in the last 3 months of pregnancy (the third trimester) but can also start soon after delivery.[1973] A wide range of non-specific symptoms may be present in women with HELLP syndrome. Symptoms may include fatigue; malaise; fluid retention and excess weight gain; headache; nausea and vomiting; pain in the upper right or middle of the abdomen; blurry vision; and rarely, nosebleed or seizures.[11434][1974] The cause of HELLP syndrome is not known, but certain risk factors have been associated with the condition.[11434] It is most common in women with preeclampsia or eclampsia.[1974] If not diagnosed and treated quickly, HELLP syndrome can lead to serious complications for the mother and baby.[1973] The main treatment is to deliver the baby as soon as possible, even if premature, if there is distress of the mother or the baby.[1974][11434] Treatment may also include medications needed for the mother or baby, and blood transfusion for severe bleeding problems.[1974]


  • Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes, Lowered Platelets

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National Organization for Rare Disorders