Information on current NATPARA® shortage

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On September 5, 2019, Takeda issued a recall of NATPARA® (parathyroid hormone), due to rubber particulates originating from the rubber septum of the NATPARA cartridge. As of October 9,  NATPARA® is in shortage.

NORD has reached out to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on behalf of patients who are now not able to access the drug. We have asked FDA to continue working with Takeda to resolve this quality issue as quickly as possible. NORD urges patients to speak with their health care providers regarding possible alternatives.

Takeda has released communications on the situation to health care providers and some patient groups, and FDA has information posted on their site:

For more information regarding the shortage, Takeda may be contacted directly:

  • Patients – OnePath, 1-866-888-0660
  • Healthcare Providers – 1-800-828-2088 and Select Option 2