Rare Disease Video Library

The NORD Rare Disease Video Library houses educational videos on rare diseases for patients, caregivers, students, professionals and the public. NORD works with medical experts and patient organizations to develop the videos, which are made possible by individual donations, educational grants and corporate sponsorship. NORD is solely responsible for the content.

Many of the NORD* videos in this library were made possible by generous donations. Click here to view our contributors, we hope you will add your name to the list and help us to expand our video library.

NORD provides educational resources to the rare community, including those living with a rare disease, caregivers, medical professionals, students, the media and researchers. Any individual, organization, foundation or company interested in making a donation to support the creation of one or more videos may write to [email protected].

©2019-2024 NORD. All rights reserved. NORD is a registered trademarks of the National Organization for Rare Disorders. NORD is a 501©(3) charity. NORD does not recommend or endorse any particular medical treatment but encourages patients to seek the advice of their clinicians.

Videos within the library are organized into four categories:
  • Patient and Caregiver Stories: Patients and caregivers share their experiences and advice on a broad range of topics including how to get involved in advocacy.
  • Specific Rare Diseases: These explanatory videos provide brief overviews of specific rare diseases.
  • Topics of Interest: These videos provide brief, easy-to-understand introductions to topics such as rare disease facts, information for newly diagnosed patients, genetic testing and gene therapy that are relevant to the community.
  • Patient Registries: These videos address topics related to patient registries and NORD’s IAmRare registry platform.
  • Research and Drug Development: Patients, caregivers and patient organizations play a very important role in rare disease research and drug development. These videos explore related topics with an emphasis on how patients and patient advocates can drive progress for their communities.