Felty’s syndrome


Disease Overview

Felty’s syndrome is a rare, potentially serious disorder that is defined by the presence of three conditions: rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly) and a decreased white blood cell count (neutropenia), which causes repeated infections.[2860] Although some individuals with Felty’s syndrome are asymptomatic, others can develop serious and life-threatening infections.[2861] Symptoms of Felty’s syndrome, in addition to those associated with the three conditions stated above, may include fatigue, fever, weight loss, discoloration of patches of skin,[2860] mild hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), lymphadenopathy (swelling of lymph nodes), Sjögren syndrome, vasculitis, lower-extremity ulcers, and other findings.[2861] The exact cause is unknown, but several risk factors have been proposed, including autoimmunity.[2860][2861] A few familial cases of the condition have been reported.[2862] Treatment typically focuses on controlling the underlying RA; immunosuppressive therapy for RA may improve neutropenia and splenomegaly.[2861]


  • Felty syndrome
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, splenomegaly and neutropenia
  • Familial Felty's syndrome

For more information, visit GARD.

National Organization for Rare Disorders