Gardner-Diamond syndrome


Disease Overview

Gardner-Diamond syndrome (GDS) is a rare condition characterized by episodes of unexplained, painful bruising that mostly occurs on the arms, legs, and/or face. It is most common in Caucasian women who have mental illness or emotional stress. Symptoms typically include the formation of multiple, small, purple bruises that may be associated with burning, redness and swelling. Most affected people report that the bruising occurs either spontaneously, or some time after trauma or surgery at other sites of the body. The cause of GDS is poorly understood. Management typically involves psychiatric treatment.[4321][10484]


  • Autoerythrocyte sensitization
  • Psychogenic purpura
  • Autoerythrocyte sensitization purpura
  • Painful bruising syndrome
  • Autoerythrocyte sensitization syndrome
  • GDS

For more information, visit GARD.

National Organization for Rare Disorders